I upgraded to 2022.3.9f1 and it seems to have a massive memory leak with UIElements.
I can start a blank 2d(URP) project and open the memory analysis and watch the meshes go up infinitely.
Is this a known issue?
I upgraded to 2022.3.9f1 and it seems to have a massive memory leak with UIElements.
I can start a blank 2d(URP) project and open the memory analysis and watch the meshes go up infinitely.
Is this a known issue?
Thank you for reaching out. If you want to report this, please use Unity QA: Building quality with passion. It’ll be easier for us to give you an answer that way!
I reported it with ID: IN-54598
This issue also happens all the way back in 2022.1.0b13.
Do you know how fast this will be fixed? In my experience, bugs can go 6+ months. I cannot workaround this bug and it effects a ton of people on LTS and below.
Is there a way to expedite it?
@C-UITools I am getting this same issue on 2022.3.1f1. Memory leak just spirals out of control. I have been dealing with this for months now. And the instability with render features working/not working between versions has stopped me from trying newer versions of Unity.
This memory leak has crashed my system by using 100% of my 64gb of ram and after upgrading to 128gb it still happens after only a couple of hours of Unity being open. Any ideas on if there will be a fix for this?
@C-UITools So I have looked into this further and it looks like in editor the render textures from the ScriptableRenderPass are not being cleaned after every frame, even when calling cmd.ReleaseTemporaryRT(pixelBufferID) from OnCameraCleanup()?
This bug has already been fixed in 2022.3.10f1 and was tracked under UUM-46520
@MartinTilo I am currently on 2022.3.1f1 and I am having this issue. Or are these 2 different issues?
I see mine seems to be a different issue based on that bug report…
Yes, it would seem like it (that bug and fix is purely related to Text elements in UI TK causing a leak of unnamed Meshes). Please do file a separate report so that yours too can get fixed
Also the fix landed on 3.**10**f1, not 3.1f1
im getting a memory leak with the particle system.
create a standard urp scene , create a particle system , change the particle startsize
you can see in the task manager that the memory usage increase like crazy
using unity 2022.3.9
That sounds like yet another entirely separated bug. Could you also please file a separate bug report for that?
Also, @CoolieRanks : Could this be the same issue as yours?
I don’t think the leak was fixed in 2022.3.10f1. I am on 2022.3.12f1 and the leak is still happening with numerous objects. Is this still being looked into?
It seems to be fixed in 2023.3 but not 2023.1 or 2023.2. Is there a issue tracker for this to be fixed in those versions or did something just change and this issue is not being worked on?
@MousePods as I mentioned in your other two threads on that issue, that’s a different issue all together and I suspect it might be a mistake in your code with Element creation and Event subscription leaking the created Labels.
(Also, my apologies for the slow replies, I was deep down a different rabbit hole for a while…)