2022LTS Domain Reload and Domain Completing takes forever

I upgraded to 2022LTS and besides the fact that the editor seems slower overall, after changing any scripts it takes forever for the “Domain Reloading” to complete. This is not the issue in 2022.2.10 or even 2023 beta surprisingly.

Is anyone else having this issue? Yes i have tried turning off the domain reload setting and it doesn’t do anything.

As far as i know it isn’t good to have that on anyway because then you have to manually reload the domain/ editor view by pressing ctrl+r.
I really would like to upgrade to LTS at some point but it isn’t usable for fast iteration times or basic code changes.

Nope, completely new problem, never before reported, you are the very first. :slight_smile:

Four (4) pages from this same forum where you just posted:


And from other forum here, 13 more pages:


There are things you can do / try / fiddle with.

these are all the way from 2021…In fact i tried some of these same fixes already and read through the entire thread a few days ago.
Of course I have used the search bar to try and find a similar issue otherwise i wouldn’t have made this post. I totally get not wanted constant reposts after reposts after reposts but i clearly stated that this was an issue specific to this LTS release.

This seems to be specifically a bug from 2022 LTS. It isnt just a minor issue either. It ruins iteration time and development time period. Everyone already knows the editor has been slowed down over each major release number. I appreciate the response though. Real helpful dude :wink:

If you are so dissatisfied with and rude to everyone on here maybe you should stop “helping” them?

Looking at your reply history this seems to be the case

Speaking of which 2023.1 just left beta.

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LOL. Imagine still trying to use this engine when you can’t iterate anything because of domain reloading. Like…what’s the point? Why do you people put up with this.

Because most of us are likely not having issues with domain reload times.