2023.3.0 Alpha 14 Folders changed.

can you please tell me about the change found in 2023.3.0 Alpha 14

in 2023.3.0 Alpha 13 the folder looked like this

in 2023.3.0 Alpha 14 the folder looked like this

the SRP version number is now removed, please give some info about what is happening please.

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i dont mean to sound funny (thus recognising it does) why does it matter?

It depend if you are using them in custom packages as references or dependencies. If the data changed in places where people had to once type out the package name, a folder location, and ect it can break some code or dev made packages.

Which is a problem because Unity recently had a long problem of wrong named package references crashing any project that you tried to open before making it to the first scene in editor.

fair enough, i know that sometimes you cant go back versions cos whatever isnt available and then you cant remove what isnt there… and it can get messy, so im not overly surprised, but ive not referenced package areas directly so, i was curious why it was an issue… thanks for explaining

Basically the majority of packages in the asset store that work across SRPs have to know which SRP they are running under, and often need a define to write code specifically for each one since much of the code is not shared. Strangely, Unity doesn’t provide this functionality, so either people are looking up these packages by name/path, or using an asmdef which references the package and sets the define. If Unity changes this stuff around, they’ll likely break an ungodly amount fo external assets and projects.

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Because HDRP is now stable so there won’t be any more breaking changes.
Just kidding.