24 Hour Terrain Demo

Here’s something Peter and me did in 24 hours.

It’s Mount Rainier in Washington extracted with WorldComposer and futher textured and vegetated with TerrainComposer. For the terrain rendering RTPv3 shader is used, and for the vegetation rendering AFS Advanced Foliage Shader is used.

Screenshot made by Pete, our current favourite user screenshot.

Have fun and it’s 900 square km. There’s an easter egg in there, if you are the first to find it and prove it with a screenshot, you can win all the Assets that were used for making this demo. I have to admit that it’s almost impossible to find though…But someone found it!

The easter egg has been found by Bocs Congratulation with your prizes!

In the next update we will place a different color egg in another position and then the egg search contest is starting all over again! Now you can still take screenshots to win!

Download the demo

TheSearch v1.1 windows 64 bit.
TheSearch v1.1 Windows 32 bit.
TheSearch v1.1 Mac 32 bit.

24 Hour Demo Tutorial document → A pdf document how Peter and me made the 24 hour demo.

All Assets that were used:
AFS Advanced Foliage Shader

12 hours of added work for version 1.1, now 36 hours total Peter and me been working on it.

Many improvements map, image fx, vegetation, sound, manual DOF, skybox, sun, save position, save menu, and many minor tweaks…

The graphics are ultra high, you can dial them a lot down with performance options. Keep in mind we are pushing the limits of Unity here…

If you don’t find the easter egg, don’t worry. You can also participate in the screenshot competition. The 4 best screenshots will get 1 of the mentioned Assets. Post the screenshots here and a highly skilled jury will judge for the best ones :).

We had 3 winners in round 1 version 1.

Left Mouse Button → Make a screenshot.
Mouse Scroll Wheel → Zoom in/out.
Middle Mouse Button → Reset Zoom.
L → Depth Of Field Lock/Unlock

Tab → Map.

WASD/Arrows → Move.
Left/Right Shift → Run.
Space → Jump.
M → Show Setup Menu.
F → Show Framerate.

Numpad 8462 → Move sun.


Nice, but after 10 minutes at that pace no way am I exploring 900 kms for a well hidden easter egg no matter how much I want it!

Great screenshot ;). We are still awake after continue through the night to make the demo, we finished at 9 o’ clock this morning. Now we are searching for the egg ourselves in the build, we can’t sleep as we know were we placed the egg, but can’t find it…Enjoy the scenery! ;).

900 km² REALLY is BIG!!! :smile:

Reached the edge of the world

EDIT: Thought the player starts from the middle of the world. It took about an hour to walk there…

Unfortunately I didn’t find the easter-egg. Nevertheless I had a really great experience by just wandering around :slight_smile:

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Any chance you can compile for mac users?

Cool demo, but ugly auto-focus DOF.

…yeah the DOF is a bit too much but the terrain looks fantastic !

I found Big Foot on the hill, got in panic and forgot to take screens : /

I also have Pictures from down under, after falling off the planet and looking up at this 900 Square Km World. This is shortly before going over the edge. Wish I had a base jumping suit and the Oculus Rift.

The player starts closer to the edge than to the middle, so depending which way you went you had more or less distance to cover :slight_smile:

DOF: yeah, since we only spent 24 hours to make it, the time ran out to tweak some thngs, as usual it was easy going in the beginning and hurry in the end. Was a lot of fun though to make it…

Good luck to everybody making the best sceenshots or even running into the EGG :smile:

Best of luck,

ps.: The screenshots get stored in the data folder of the buld, in case somebody didn’t find them.

Easter egg ? You’ve probably mistook holiday season… :slight_smile: Will need to run the demo on my laptop, because my desktop PC is still 32bit. Very curious how fast does it work like.


P.S. And you guys haven’t told me you were doing so pleasant demoscene… :slight_smile:

Its too big! You should have provided an automobile and some form of eggdar detector. Nice work folks, you dont need to be reminded about the dof I guess, and on my machine id have put silly amount of trees everywhere, and looking for the egg is about as inviting as finding the right pyramid on that pyramid planet in Damocles (oooold game) with no clues

Gave me a sense of perspective! Having gotten world composer i decided to pull no punches and the terrain one can see at any point in my planned project means having 400kmx200km of it. Your demo gave me an idea of how big thats going to be… its gonna be pretty big!

I think it might make for a fun day to do something similar myself with the same assets, especially as they seem the essential tools list for unity terrain at the moment, if i can not feel like a day not doing something on some existing project is a wasted day

I love the screenshots. Can’t wait to try it when I get on a decent computer.

Could you walk me through the development process? I’d love to try making something like this myself.

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is ther a way to fly or just walk ? also how can you disable depth of field…
impressive demo congratulations…

I’ve checked every inch. No eggs :frowning:

Anyway…slightly color tweaked…

We will probably make an update, improving some of the little things(DOF, etc.) and in case the egg wont be discovered in reasonable time we will add some things(airplane? car? jetpack? we’ll see…) that make it a bit easier… i realized its really hard to find … i didn’t find it and i know aproxx. where we placed it, lol! it can only be that you run into it by accident, you can forget the systematic approach and … comb it :smile:

We will also share some of the things we learned during the making…

Hoping for a Mac version … :smile:

Easter egg? xDDD


More serious… :wink:

From “Mount Everest” Panorama

I was climbing on “Mount Everest” and made this screenshot

Look into Valley

Ok! After a few hours now I have given up. Give us a little clue. I have been to the top of the mountains, through the forests and through the bleak land. Just what are we looking for? Some Idea please. Big or small? Does it move? In the mountains on the ground or in the trees? Then maybe give us a Helicopter. Can we see it from far away if we are in zoom? Can we shoot it?