I’m also interested - I’ve heard from one of the videos, that tilemap and smartsprites support will come in unity 5.3, but in the roadmap unity 5.6 is mentioned. What is correct? I’m realy relying on this tech.
Most likely it got delayed, but official word would be nice. I’ve been on break from my project in part because I wanted to see how effective this will be for procedural purposes before rolling my own likely messy solution.
As it gets delayed more and more, it might be wise to look into other options. I have effective prototyping options, but nothing I would consider releasable.
I think in general relying on future technology for a serious project isn’t a great idea. Schedules and plans can change.
We’ve got our own tilemap solution, but it isn’t particularly good, so I’m hoping I wouldn’t need to reinvent the whole wheel and they would actually deliver their tech in 5.3 or in the early 2016.
**hey @ChuanXin **
any news? great unity update but the 2D smartsprite is to cool to let it go
5.5 JUN 7, 2016
2D: Atlas Manager
2D: Masking
2D: SmartSprite
2D: Tilemap
So TileMap is for 5.5, any chance for tilemap of 5.5 supports iso tilemap (even in Alpha) ?
these features will pass open beta before 5.5 ?
those aren’t “2D Alpha” i’m talking about 2D Alpha Release 5 base on unity 5.3
The fact that it has been pushed back from 5.3 in september to 5.4 in october to 5.5 now should give you an indication that there’s little to be expected in the near future.
Thinking of giving this a whirl for ludum dare is it stable and usable enough to use in game jams?
Forgive me if this was asked/answered elsewhere.
Are there plans to update the Unity engine to 5.3 (or 5.4 when applicable), or will this always be a 5.2 version until it’s closer to being released? I’d love to use these, evenin
Mars 2016
any chance there will be a more public Beta for Personal Edition users?
something Im working on right now would greatly benefit from the Sprite Shape/ Auto Spline tools.
Im moving forward on the other things in the game, but man, it would be great to see those tools. It’d be a shame to wait until summer to finish the build.
There are a lot of cool tools in there, which are getting pushed back.
hi @ChuanXin
any news ?
hi @ChuanXin
any news ?
According to roadmap It seems new 2D features removed from 5.5 release. They are in Development sceme. This is sad, this is really sad for me.
In-progress, timelines long or uncertain
2D: 9-Slice Sprites
2D: Atlas Manager
2D: Masking
2D: SmartSprite
2D: Tilemap
2D: Sprite Editor Update
Yep, explanation is here: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/why-you-pushed-all-the-2d-stuff-to-development-again.385093/
That’s sad. It was a bad idea to make the presentation of new 2D features too early.
Is there any ETA on when the alpha builds will resume?
Just one quick question, is this compatible with Unity 5.3.3 or shall I install the editor that´s posted on the page?
Sad to see 9-slice sprite pushed back with the rest.
9-slice has been a finished feature for a while. Looks so useful too.