Hello, been trying to sort out this code for some time and I keep getting the same few errors:
Assets/Standard Assets/Scripts/MY Scripts/GetFacing.cs(158,40): error CS0120: An object reference is required to access non-static member GetFacing.FacingMul' Assets/Standard Assets/Scripts/MY Scripts/GetFacing.cs(158,65): error CS0120: An object reference is required to access non-static member
Assets/Standard Assets/Scripts/MY Scripts/GetFacing.cs(158,89): error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for UnityEngine.Vector3.Vector3(float, float, float)' has some invalid arguments Assets/Standard Assets/Scripts/MY Scripts/GetFacing.cs(158,89): error CS1503: Argument
#1’ cannot convert object' expression to type
What I have been trying to sort out is after I have worked out (in GetFacing) what way the player is facing, I use the 2D array FacingMul with the int facing, to return the appropriate multipliers rather than use multiple if statements.
This is then used in another Script which spawns a model at a X and Z cord multiplied on what comes from the PosMulFacing via Vector3.scale, the Y is always 0 as I am not changing the height.
Below is the code for the GetFacing script, please note C# only please.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GetFacing : MonoBehaviour {
private float curRot;
private float best = 400;
private int facing = 0;
//0 = x, 1 = z
//private int[,] FacingMul = new int[2,4];
int[,] FacingMul = new int[2,4];
{ 0,-1}, //-Z
{-1, 0}, //-X
{ 1, 1}, // Z
{ 1, 0} // X
{ 0,-1}, //-Z
{-1, 0}, //-X
{ 1, 1}, // Z
{ 1, 0} // X
private static float negZ = 180,
negX = 270,
posZ = 360,
posX = 90;
private float[] RotValues = new float[4];// = new float[4] {negZ,negX,posZ,posX};
* -Z: 180 0
* -X: 270 1
* Z: 0/360 2
* X: 90 3
//do some borderline testing with excel? or processing
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
RotValues[0] = negZ;
RotValues[1] = negX;
RotValues[2] = posZ;
RotValues[3] = posX;
FacingMul[0,0] = 0; FacingMul[1,0] = -1;
FacingMul[0,1] = -1;FacingMul[1,1] = 0;
FacingMul[0,2] = 1; FacingMul[1,2] = 1;
FacingMul[0,3] = 1; FacingMul[1,3] = 0;
{ 0,-1}, //-Z
{-1, 0}, //-X
{ 1, 1}, // Z
{ 1, 0} // X
for( int x=0; x<4; x++){
for( int y=0; y<2; y++){
//Debug.Log("FacingMul["+x+"]["+y+"] = "+FacingMul[x][y]);
float curRot = transform.eulerAngles.y;
if( curRot < 180 ){
posZ = 0;
if( 180 < curRot ){
posZ = 360;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
best = 400;
float curRot = transform.eulerAngles.y;//Get Rot
//int facing = 0;
for(int c=0; c<4; c++){
float disToRot = Mathf.Abs( Mathf.DeltaAngle( curRot, RotValues
) );
//Debug.Log("c: "+c+", best prior: "+best);
if( disToRot < best ){
best = disToRot;
//test code
facing = c;
//need to check for new best
//Debug.Log ("c: "+c+", best after: "+best);
//Debug.Log ("Dis between ("+curRot+"-"+RotValues[c]+" = "+Mathf.DeltaAngle( curRot, RotValues[c] )+")" );
if(facing == 0){
Debug.Log("facing: -Z");
if(facing == 1){
Debug.Log("facing: -X");
if(facing == 2){
Debug.Log("facing: Z");
if(facing == 3){
Debug.Log("facing: X");
Debug.Log("facing errored");
}//if direction
//Return Vec3 as returning for a position
public static Vector3 PosMulFacing(){
return( new Vector3( FacingMul[0,facing] ,0f, FacingMul[1,facing] ) );
The following code and script works fine, but this is the only bit that interacts with the above Script.
If I am trying to access the other scripts method wrong, please shout.
pos = Vector3.Scale( _GetFacing.PosMulFacing(), new Vector3(10,10,10) );
case 0:
Instantiate(room1, pos, Quaternion.identity);
Thanks, I am going to continue to try and work this out.