2d beatem up movement problems

this has been murdering me and it seems like no one else is making beatem up games so i have a series of questions. but heres the first. you know how when you move into an invisible wal and u walk up and down the wall you walk a straight line…yea for me it looks diagonal and i think its because they move on a z axis not the y axis, is there a way to get around this its very annoying i uploaded a gif to show what im talking about

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I agree, it does look like it is because they move on the Z and you are using a perspective camera.

Some possible solutions:

  • don’t move them on the Z, move them on the Y if that’s what you mean

  • instead of pure Z or pure Y, move the object according to its vector offset from camera to object

  • do not use a perspective camera, because this is what causes the “diagonal” you see, the effect of a vanishing point. Instead use an ortho camera, which flattens the scene.

  • something else?

it was DEEEFFFINATLY casue of the camera fixed that ASAP lol

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