I’m trying to make a 2D blend tree for my general purpose walk cycles, but it seems like one of the diagonal directions is not syncing properly. I’ve tried to test as much as I know how to, which includes swapping models and animations, but no changes. Can somebody explain to me like I’m 5 why this is happening?
Key points:
- All of these animations are using the humanoid rig, as are my models. I’ve checked them and don’t see any obvious errors, which is to say I didn’t see any red in the configuration.
- The right strafe animations are just a mirrored duplicate of the left which I downloaded from mixamo. These should be exactly the same.
- It occurs regardless of what forward/backward animations I use. I have tried both unity-chan walk/run cycles and a set from mixamo.
- It seems to occur on all models, even on the default unity model.
- For compatibility reasons I’m stuck on unity 2019.1.1.11f1. Upgrading will break scripts I can’t afford to break.
I took a video capture of what’s going on and posted it here: 21 41 26 - Gifyu
I am aware of the fact that the right strafe animation says “old”, I was swapping those and it doesn’t help either.
When I disable IK in the preview window, it looks like the feet always want to move in the same diagonal direction no matter what the coordinates are. 23 35 00 - Gifyu