hey all,
I am working on a game with 2d textures on sprites with transparent vertex color shader.
It looks pretty good at 100% but gets very blurry when i zoom in or out in the game. * necessary for the game.
i have changing the aniso levels , but nothing has worked so far.
has anyone had the same problem_ thanks,
Hey there,
This is caused by the mipmaps in your image files. Mipmaps are smaller versions of an image that are used to lower processing time when it is rendered far away.
You can disable them by selecting the said images in the project view and clicking preferences. There should be a checkbox called “generate mip maps”. Deselect this on each one.
Just note that this increases processing time a little.
Increase the size of the texture…when you zoom in, you can’t display detail that isn’t there to begin with. Aniso has no effect on the iPhone.