2D Book Reccomend?

Anyone recommend a good Unity 2D (specifically top down 2D, I might be asking for too much though) print book, I’ll even use your affiliate link if you have one?

the age of using books for learning stuff is passed, you can use google and youtube and you will learn much faster and effectively

I get that, but call me old school. I enjoy a good read now and again while consuming food. Bad habit I know… :slight_smile:

Hmm I guess the best you could get would be a c# book…

I doubt that anyone would write a book about how to do top down 2d in unity, its just senseless when you could do a video tutorial instead. Maybe you can find tutorials that are written in plain text and print it if you really want it. There are many types of top down 2d so you still need to browse to pick the one you want, which is another reason it is pointless to write a book about this

2D and Unity in general is a really broad topic, so you won’t find any book that covers everything you need to know. You should have (basic) C# programming knowledge and learn about GameObjects, Physics 2D, Memory Management, the Graphics Pipeline, Shaders, Optimization, etc.

For a starting point, if you never used Unity before and have little programming knowledge, I would recommend you Mastering Unity 2D Game Development (Dr. Ashley Godbold, Simon Jackson). It covers everything you need to know to start making 2D games.

For an introduction on how the Unity internals work (Physics, the Graphics Pipeline, Memory Management and good scripting practices) I recommend you Unity Game Optimization (Dr. Davide Aversa and Chris Dickinson) together with the Unity Documentation and the Unity Learn platform.

Start with the first book and gain practice making simple games. Then it’s important to know how internals work so as to develop good 2D games without performance problems (specially if you want to make mobile games).

If you don’t mind reading on a tablet/ereader, there is a pretty cool site called RayWenderlich that has written tutorials. Also CatlikeCoding but this is more advanced stuff and I think exclusively 3D.

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