2D bullet won't affect enemy.

I have searched the forums and what not and could not find an answer to my problem, I have a 2d trigger collider and a rigidbody2D set up on my bullet, and I have the same set up on the enemy object only the collider is not a trigger.

#pragma strict

function Start () {

var EnemyObject : GameObject; //Implement your Faller game object into this variable in the inspector
function Update () {
	transform.position.x += 15 * Time.deltaTime;
	if(transform.position.x > 8) {
	Destroy (gameObject);

var eAnimation : Animation; // choose the animation which will start when triggered

function OnTriggerEnter2D (Other : Collider2D){
	if(Other.gameObject.tag == "Enemy"){

I have set up what the object is in the inspector, and also a side question, it won’t let me assign an animation in the inspector for eAnimation?

Here is the quick video of the problem demonstrated in game :Video Link

And here is a picture of the enemy sprite and its colliders :Poof

Thanks for reading any kind of help is appreciated.

Fixed it, I just didn’t have the correct game object assigned to the variable in the inspector.