2D Camera Swap on Trigger

I am attempting to set up multiple Cinemachine virtual cameras and have them switch active camera when entering a trigger. After researching how to do something like this, I see a lot of references to a TriggerAction Script that comes with the Cinemachine package, however I cant seem to find it. Not in the “Add Component” section, the import asset list, or anywhere. Is it still included in the package from the unity store? Where can I find the script?

The asset store version is very old, and does not include this script.
Please get the latest version of Cinemachine from the Package Manager.

Important: BEFORE installing the package manager version, you must delete Cinemachine from your project, otherwise there will be metafile issues. Back up your project first!

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I guess I gotta learn to read more before jumping in haha. But thank you for your response! I was able to get the script I needed, and an answer of yours on another post was exactly what I needed to get the effect I was looking for, Thanks!