I’m working on my first IOS game, just a simple card game. Basically after dragging and dropping a card I need a way to lock that card in a certain position when dropped inside a certain area. Anyone have any suggestions? Maybe use of collider detection or something along the lines of that.
I’m having a similar problem, I want to detect a stairs sprite, in a 2D scene, in order to go up or go down with my character, but I don’t know how to detect the stairs without having colliders, imagine when my character reaches the top border how am I going to be able to walk on the upper level without collider that prevents falling down?
I was thinking of detecting it by coordinates but imagine that you had a lot ot objects to detect, that would be tedious and unpractical, don’t you think so? Fortunately you have a closed area and might be easier for you. If I find a better way, I’ll inform you.