I need some help with creating a controller for my 2D character. The problem I am having is that the character should move in a constant speed forward and then move to a specific Y-coordinate when a button is pressed.
In essence,
character moves forward in X with a constant speed.
If button is pressed, move character 3 units in Y while not losing speed in X.
If button is pressed again, move character another 3 units in Y from the new position.
How could I do this in a neat way, I would like the Y-movement to be smooth, so using a lerp seems reasonable. The only thing I can accomplish myself is the movement in Y or X, not both at the same time.
Then, each time the button is pressed increment the moveToThisY by 3. You should probably set the y position to this variable as well, to ensure that it is exactly right, like this.
transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, moveToThisY,
Place this line right after the while loop in the coroutine. You will also have to call the coroutine once in the Start function, like this:
Also note, that you should never actually use “transform” if you have to use it often. You should store a reference to it instead. In the class declare a variable:
private Transform myTransform;
And in the Start function assign myTransform to transform: