2d character selection carousel with ui navigation


Do you know any way to recreate this taking into account the ui navigation in unity?

It’s just that I can think of solutions that are either 3D or that don’t take UI navigation into account and I’m sure that when I try to make it navigable I have to modify it all and make a mess of it.

Thank you very much in advance

Start with a youtube tutorial for making Unity UI in general, then carousels and/or character lists.

There’s a lot of details to all this, so be sure to pay attention as you go and work carefully.

I like this guy’s approach, one step at a time:

Imphenzia: How Did I Learn To Make Games:

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FYI: For future questions about UI, please use one of the UI forums: https://forum.unity.com/categories/ui-systems.364/

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If it’s easier for you to do this with 3D sprites or quads (and it really is easier, as perspective reduction and rendering sorting by distance from the camera will be automatically maintained), then you can create a separate camera for this carousel. This camera would render only the carousel (put the carousel on a separate layer), while the main camera handles the rest of the UI.

So, your UI is displayed by the main camera (as always), and on top, as a second layer (like in Photoshop), the rotating carousel will be displayed, simply rendered by another camera.

If the idea interests you, take a look at tutorials on multiple cameras. In short, it’s important to configure the layer culling mask that the cameras will display and the ClearFlags property.

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