2D Character that Climbs Everything Including On Walls/Ceiling

I entered a deep deep hole as it seems.
I wanted to make a 2D spider platformer, with a ray detect if I am in front of a wall, if so change the movement vertically and move up and down then, I got it working but it is super buggy.

I searched the net over and over again, youtube + google but it is impossible to find a tutorial for a 2D Character that can move on walls and ceiling.
I only found posts from the year 2013 and they were not finished or did not work.
The best source I found is https://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/AdamWinkels/20140220/211306/DevLog_7_Learning_How_to_Walk.php
But I don’t even archive anything close to it, I tried to follow their set up but some kinds are missing for me.

Does anybody know any good source for learning how I can move a 2D character on walls on ceilings on slides or anything else?

In my game vampire dystopia, I disabled unity’s built in gravity and implemented my own so that I could make the vampires do different things including walking on the ceilings. Just make a Vector2 gravity; in your player script and then add it to your current velocity in FixedUpdate(). player.rigidbody.velocity+=gravity; then when you rast for walls and ceilings you can change the velocity to be towards that surface.