2d Colliders problem

Hello Guys

I have 2d character that use rigid body , box and circle 2D colliders (the box in on the top of circle collider ) , I need the character to follow game object on the X axis and also to be impacted by gravity .

My question is when i make the character follow the game object on strait collider there is no any problem , But when the character start moving along collider that is rotated as if it where climbing a hill it will start glitching and make unpredictable movement effect then it will slip through that collider!!!

the object that the character follow is simple game object with only velocity added on fixed update.and the character it self is only change the transform on X axis.

Any help please.

Hey try this link, its for 3D but i think little changes and it may benifit you,afterall unity 2D and 3D are not so different…