I managed to run this in a new project just fine, but in my main project where i want to use this,
i am using the URP. unfortunately the shader and materials do not work in URP.
It seems like i would need to adapt the scripts, but I cant figure out how.
any help would be much apprechated.
(1) practice doing some very basic 2D shaders tutorials that you find on YouTube.
It can be a while to start to “get” shaders. So you may not want to advance to (2) until you kind of sort of get it.
(2) Get the shader working for one SpriteRenderer first.
Some nodes that may help are the:
Position node
Remap node
Saturate node (or Clamp node)
Lerp node
On the Blackboard define
float for Min Height
float for Max Height
float for Min Depth
float for Max Depth
For each of these pairs of floats (x2 height & x2 depth), use the Remap node on different position input component.
Just Getting Depth Working
Your scene should be arranged so Z changes how close to the camera a sprite is. Y should be up and down.
Use a Split node to get just the y-component or z-component of the position.
What you want to accomplish in the shader is: “if the sprite’s position.Z is between 5 and 10 then color it red if 5 or less and color it blue if 10 or greater.”
This would be plugging in position.z as input into a Remap node and remapping in with Min Depth and Max Depth to zero to one range. Then use Saturate to constrain the value between zero and one.
Then you can take that output (a value between 0 and 1) and input it into a Lerp node’s input, which can lerp between two colors (red and blue for example). Then you can multiply this color to your sprite’s MainTex color and put that into the output.
The next step would be doing the same for height but since it’s essentially the same so I won’t describe it.
Move your sprite around in the scene to see if it’s behaving as expected and your Min/Max values are OK on your material.
(3) A problem for multiple SpriteRenderers is dynamic batching which can fuse positions together, so don’t apply your material to all the renderers in your scene yet. Cross that bridge when you get there.
I was trying out your suggestions but i have a few questions:
remap takes 2 values for “min max in” and “-out” each, connecting minDepth and maxDepth to the remap node had no effect, when using the x, y or a vector 2 node i was able to get a switch of color when changing the z axis, however the change was almost immediately at the x value (z= -500 to z= -511) of the “in min max” (due to scale of my scene the values are -500 and +1000)
i would like to have a wide spread aka several semi colored layers. my main layer is at z=0 and the front layers are each seperated at a decreasing -100 step (-100,-200 etc) and the rear layers are 100,200,300 etc. how can i spread out the transition (from “normal” to “transparent-black” to “solid-black” in front and from “normal” to “transparent-color” to “solid-color” in back) over a greater distance ? and how would i add transparencies instead of a second color?
I am currently using a texture in the graph, but actually want to use the sprite the object already has, would the texture then changed via a script?
Create a Vector2 node. Plug in MinDepth into x, and MaxDepth into Y. Then plug the Vector2 into the InMinMax input of the Remap Node.
For OutMinMax, put 0 and 1. Overall the remap is saying “convert the input value from position.z into an output value between zero and one, where MinDepth is zero and MaxDepth is one.”
The Clamp node with 0 and 1 good, but it’s output should go into Lerp’s “T” input.
Lerp’s A should be red, Lerp’s B should be blue. Lerp is saying “for values near 0, output A; for values near 1, output B.” T stands for “time” which is typically normalized between zero and one as you have already done.
The rest looks fine.
You could accomplish this with a Gradient and Sample Gradient node. This takes a 0…1 input and you can then define whatever color transitions you want over the gradient. You might need a second gradient and sample for the alpha. To make semitransparency, you want multiply the SampleTexture’s alpha output by your modifier (from the gradient) and plug it into the Alpha output in the Fragment stage output far to the right.
For a SpriteRenderer, it expects you to have add a texture to your blackboard and name it MainTex (it needs that name exactly). Then it should automatically grab the correct sprite from the SpriteRenderer.
thanks, the color now changes smoothly and also the mainTex works as it should!
for 2, i basically want to controll the “tickness” of the fog, aka the opacity also depending on the z axis.
imo i need two gradients, one for the front from transparent to black → z=0 to z=negative-clampvalue (where its 100% black) and one from transparent to color → z=0 to z=positive-clampvalue (where its 100%color).
wouldnt i replace the color (red and blue) nodes with the actual gradient values? and can i bind the front 0 rear gradients into one node depending on the value?
I am still playing around with this, and it works almost as intended, but i only want the alpha of the gradient to decrease (and the color(=fog) to increase) the sprite itself should be visible 100% in all stages. Wenn connecting to the sprites (fragment) alpha the sprites opacity decreases.
I also noted, that gradient->sample gradient seems to output a fix value of the gradient ?
The end result should look like this;
in this, the 4. sprite is the “normal” with no gradient on z= 0. I was wondering if this needs two gradients, one to handle negative z (transparent to black) and one to handle positive z (transparent to color) or if this can be combined into one gradient with black and color?
If I understand you correctly, it has a ‘fixed’ value in this case based on its position.z so that’s just one value per sprite. That’s because you’re billboarding the sprites toward the camera; across the whole sprite it is has a single z-position. If you were to rotate your sprite so it’s flat, laying down in the z-plane, then it’ll have multiple values.
Since we normalized z-values to 0…1 you shouldn’t need to think about positive and negative z. Instead, it should have all been remapped to 0…1. You can adjust your MinDepth and MaxDepth values to change how the range that’s remapped.
A single gradient can support alpha. If you open up the gradient node, there are little markers which let you define color, but above those there are more little markers - these are for alpha.
So you should be able to define:
to opaque
to transparent
all within a single gradient with those upper markers.
You’re currently not handling alpha at all in your graph. You should take a Split node, get the final color right before putting it into the Fragment output, then split off w and put that into the Alpha output.
i now have black in front, color, and black again.
its not completely what i want, but if the black in the back gets switched to the acutal color than its close.
You shouldn’t need to do it like this. Check out my latest post above. A single gradient should work for you. Click on the gradient to open it up and define more color and alpha markers and it’ll interpolate between the colors for you. I think each gradient can have quite a few markers for both alpha and color… like 8? It can interpolate between a lot of different colors.
Important concept: a gradient with a fixed time is just like using a Color node so it’s not necessary.
understood with the single value, makes sense when its at a single z position.
i might not need to seperate alpha at all, if i just want to tint the sprite its handled via the gradient itself since the sprites transparency will not be touched
I minimized this to just one gradient, and i understand the gradients alpha values:
with just one gradient the scene is looking like this
and the graph like this
You really should be able to get it to behave the way you want by connecting the Remap into a Clamp with (0, 1), then directly into Sample Gradient’s Time and then outputting the that directly into the Multiply with the Sample Texture. The smoothstep, lerp and multiply nodes could be removed.
Then all you need to do is rearrange the markers on the Gradient. So long as your scene has its z-values within the Min/Max range of the your MinDepth/MaxDepth then it should be good to go. Don’t forget to double check the Min/MaxDepth values on the material.
yes, this makes the sprite transparent,
but i only want the fog to be transparent, so that the underlying sprite is visible 100% with no color change
splitting the alpha off makes the sprite invisible
Right now it’s doing Tinting
Color * Color … your MainTex’s color * gradient color
Perhaps what you really instead want is Lerp instead to emulate the Fog.
So instead of the Multiply node, you’d put a Lerp node with ColorA being your MainTex color and ColorB being your Fog color (from Gradient). Then you get the Gradient’s Alpha with a Split node (w) and plug that into the T value of the Lerp.