I’m trying to use a Cube in my 2D game as a background gameobject in which I want to set a repeating background image.
Here are the steps I followed:
Created a Cube, so I can see one of its faces. Great.
Created a new material and set it to Legacy > Diffuze.
Created a 50x50 seamless image in Photoshop.
Selected my 50x50 PNG images as the material’s texture.
Set the Cube’s material to this material I created.
Rather than the image repeating as tiled, the cube shows the 50x50 image as streched along the Cube’s side.
From reading various posts and solutions, I have already tried changing the material’s Tiling numbers, but it just makes the image smaller, and not repeating.
Are you sure you set the wrap mode of the texture to repeat when you imported the texture? Also keep in mind that a cube face is naturally mapped to the whole texture since that’s how it has been unwrapped. That’s how texture mapping works.
Finally if you work on a 2d game, why do you use a cube? If only one face is seen, use a Quad instead. Also it’s highly recommended you create textures that have a resolution that is a power of two (32,64,128,256,512,1024, …) otherwise your texture may be resampled to the nearest power of two unless you specify you want a non power of two texture. Though keep in mind that NPOT textures may not be supported on all devices and also are less efficient in memory usage and processing.