2D Dark Souls 2 Player Smash Bros ( w/ story )

I’m making a mini game, Smash Bros meets Dark Souls.
With story / single player and 2 Player ( maybe up to 4 ) and eventually online capabilities although I have no experience with networking.
Is anyone interested in testing / providing constructive feedback?
Graphics are bad ATM as I am focusing on coding before graphics.
At the time of posting I have 3 characters, each with different traits. Solaire, Big Hat Logan and Quelana.
And 3 Enemies in story mode ( basic AI, one of which is a boss fight )
Sorry if this is in the wrong forum.

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Tomorrow there should be a new Feedback Friday thread here on the the game design forum. That would be a good place to show it off. Make sure to also include screenshots even if it’s just placeholder art.

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I would love to see a screencap of this project. How’s it evolve since October?