Well I’d like a dynamic background kind of like www.kongregate.com/games/FunkyPear/gravitee-wars-online?acomplete=gra - that game. The thing is I don’t know how to draw it and where to start with any coding (If any). I’m sure I can draw it by myself but not sure if I can animate it. Just one thing to note. The camera follows the player around on the screen like a super mario game.
Any scripting I’d like in C#.
Thanks in advance!
Did I post in the wrong place or something?
Really! I get a bunch of views but no help!
ugh bump…
I’m never going to get an answer, am i?
just thought id drop my 2p worth in to get ball rolling
have you had a look at the Nightmares tutorial? theres some camera following bits in there.
also theres the walker boys mario clone tutorial theres 3 videos there about getting the camera to follow with a deadzone etc, might be worth a look.
(parts 19 - 22 under video series 7 , need to scroll down to it)
I have the camera follow - I need a background so you know where you’re going
bump bump bump!!!
What? I am trying to get you noticed!
JK. Check out Brackey’s 2D platformer tutorial. There should be a video how to setup a dynamic background
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You could create a couple PNG images with random dots placed, then attach a script to each image with this method called in your Update ():
float current_x_offset = 0;
public float offset = 0f;
public void ScrollImage (float amount)
current_x_offset += amount;
Vector2 offset = new Vector2 (current_x_offset, 0f);
this.GetComponent().sharedMaterial.SetTextureOffset (“_MainTex”, offset);