2D Game Design Art

Hello everyone,

I have already started learning Unity. My target for now is 2D games. Of course i’ll be in need of design arts. Some websites like digital-tutors offer courses for 2D art: http://www.digitaltutors.com/subject/2d-tutorials
So do you advice me to learn Game design arts to help me in creating of 2D game assets or it will be better to bring an artist and not spending my time in learning those stuffs and focus on programming the game?

Thanks in advance

Take a look in this video, which is very long. However, if you look at the agenda in the beginning and then find the part that is about design of 2d art it is really good. It is a guy, who is a designer, who describes and show how he works and thinks.

You can also try learning yourself with this site: http://www.2dgameartguru.com/

Thanks all. You may misunderstood my question. I am not asking for sources to learn from. What i am asking is drawing and Game design art something can be learned or it’s a gift from God and me as a programmer should not waste time learning 2D sketching and Digital drawing and focus on programming instead and bring an artist.

Thanks again

In my opinion some people are more “natural” at art, however even they require thousands of hours of hard work to get to expert level, just like anyone else. It really depends on what motivates you and what you like doing. Do you want to be more of a generalist who can do everything? Maybe you should try art and see if you enjoy it and if you have any aptitude for it. If neither, maybe focus on programming and get an artist to do your art. It also depends on your project’s budget and needs.

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