2D game, falling object not smooth at all

Hi, i’m making a little 2D game, where objects are falling from the top of the screen at a variable speed, which increase every seconds, but at a moment, we can see that the objects are not falling but teleportating on very small distance…
I searched similar subject and found many people get this “thing” but how do i do to disable it, i tried to interpolate or extrapolate, it’s worse so i set it on none, have you got tips to at least minimise it ?

Here is my code for falling objects :
private void FixedUpdate() { gameObject.transform.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity = Vector2.down * lugeManagement.speed * 100 * Time.deltaTime; }

Best regards

First of all it’s generally not a good practise to manipulate velocity of rigidbodies directly.Instead you add force to the rigidbody to manipulate it’s velocity.Because It will simulate more accurate physics.
Now for your problem will give you the desired result.

	void FixedUpdate () {