2D Game Kit - initial set up proving frustrating

So, I downloaded and installed the Kit and was looking forward to a productive morning of running through the tutorials and getting to grips with a 2D platformer environment in Unity only to be greeted by 23 Errors upon startup.

These errors are as follows:

Now I’ve tried searching the forums, reddit, YouTube for answers but there doesn’t seem to be a sure fire, this is your problem, this is how to resolve it. I’ve tried restarting, importing the Post Processing Stack, hitting the keyboard… Nothing has worked and now, well, I’m a little more than annoyed.

Could someone please, simple terms, let me know what I’m doing wrong and what the fix/s would be. I’m working in Unity 2017.3.0F3.

Looks like you are missing Text Mesh Pro. Also I believe PostProcessProfile is part of V2 of the post processing stack, which for 2017.x you would get from github. In 2018.x you could get both using the package manager.