I want to create a 2d game, using just sprites. Absolutely nothing 3d. Not even lighting.
I have seen a 2d platformer tutorial, but it uses 3d models. What I seek is for a tutorial about just using sprites, is there any out there?
I want to create a 2d game, using just sprites. Absolutely nothing 3d. Not even lighting.
I have seen a 2d platformer tutorial, but it uses 3d models. What I seek is for a tutorial about just using sprites, is there any out there?
I know this answer kinda sucks but the best way I know to do a 2d game in unity is to buy and use sprite manager. I sucked it up, bought it and never looked back. I even went and bought ez GUI as well because they are the bomb. No, I get no monies from Brady or absoft. :)
If you want the cheap solution you can use this script: http://www.unifycommunity.com/wiki/index.php?title=Animating_Tiled_texture_-_Extended
The way I solved it was by having a different animation for each row, then passing the right coordinates through the function when the desired animation is needed. You will have to manually make the spritesheet in for example photoshop and make sure the different frames are distributed with exact precision. This method is by no means optimal but hey.
For example when my character jumps I do the following
if (charGender == false && jumpCheck.jump.jumping == true) {
You can use the script from the 2D Platformer tutorial, replace Lerpz with a plane. Make sure to put the script on the same gameobject as the plane so that it can access the material. You might have to fiddle around a little to avoid having the plane rotate. When changing directions you could flip the material instead of turning the plane.
As for the camera, you would have to change that to orthographic.
Sprite Manager 2 is good advice. For the price, it will save you TONS of time and makes the use of sprites fast and efficient - you should go watch the YouTube video on SpriteManager2 (the ones that's about 19 minutes long). It will show you exactly what you get and how it can help you.
Sprite managers aren’t always the best solution to achieve ‘plain 2D’ games.
Depending on the game, it can still be handy to use planes in a 3D scene, or you may be able to create your game more rapidly using the GUI class (sacrificing some performance, but depending on the amount of 2D images on screen, this may not be an issue).
For a better overview of the different methods of doing 2D in Unity, I’d like to refer you to the following article detailing on each of the different methods and their pros and cons: