2D Graphics resolutions

Hey Guys! So… I make my graphics from .ai and… umh i made a background with resolutions 328 x 568 and saved it as a png file. I opened unity and changed ‘Game’ resolution to 328 x 568. When i placed the background it looked really small why is that? I checked the Main Camera it was working fine. Why?


Could you give more information?

What do you mean with background and what are the camera-settings?

I’ll keep simple. I created an image (resolution 328 x 568) and then i changed the Game Aspect to 328 x 568 and imported the image. I placed the image infront of the camera. The image looked bigger that it is supposed to be, why is that?

Have screenshot?

How you placed the image in scene?
Sprite, new UI element? Old GUI?

Is your camera Orthographic or perspective?

Sprite , its 2d.

Sprites have also pixel ratio settings in the Importer (inspector) window.

Camera orthographic size matters also…

Well, I checked it all but i don’t understand, Is there any tutorial out there which explains proper importing and resolution setting tutorial (Unity2d) out there?

If I’m not mistaken the following should work:

In the import settings of your background sprite you have the Pixels To Units value, by default it’s 100, keep it that way.
Select your camera and make sure it’s set to Orthographic.
The Size value of the camera should be:

[resolution height] / 2 / [pixels to units]

So in your case that’s:

568 / 2 / 100 = 2.84

Try that and tell me if it works :slight_smile:

Another solution to avoid headaches related to exporting graphic at the right resolution (and to reduce the file size too) could be represented by native 2D vector graphic renderers like our SVGAssets ( SVGAssets - SVG Rendering Engine for Unity. - Community Showcases - Unity Discussions ) or similar free solutions like MrJoy SVG.