I trying to create a Turn Based Strategy behaviour where you move a gameObject from 1 tile of a grid to another tile near it
I have created the Grid using sprites as gameObjects but can’t sort out the movement part, I can move tile to tile continuously with mouseClick or w,a,s,d but want to implement the “player can move only x tiles a turn” thing, found in many TBS games
My current setup is like this

To anyone in same situation as me, here is how I solved both my problems.
- Added Colliders to my charGO and tileGO around it.
- Created triggerCollider on player to get the tileGO player is standing on, added some conditional statements.
- Using the above tileGO, used Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll (±1 x/y tileGO) to get the Colliders from each direction of tileGO
- Using each Collider, got the GO of the tiles from all direction. Changed their sprite to a different colored sprite to “visualize” walkable path
- Used coroutine, lerp and basic method to detect mouse click on a tile and move player from tileGO to clickedTileGO
Again, this was for a prototype to test out if I can do what I have in mind, once all is done, I will start cleaning the code and workarounds I used, create proper sprites, animations, etc. but this should give you some insight on how you can do it
a*pathfinding can solve that. i cant program it, but there are lots of tutorials online, its easyer on 2d i think.