2D GUI ovelapping

Hi there,

I’m developing a game with kinect and unity. For choosing options i want to include hand controlled mouse. So when a person moves his hand then GUI of hand cursor will move accordingly in game environment. I have a question for the unity part.

If a hand GUI overlaps any option button for more than 3 seconds then i want unity to choose that option. So i want that if a hand cursor GUI overlaps a button more than 3 seconds then that button will be clicked.

So can you give me an idea how to implement this?
I’m not asking for a code, Just give me rough idea or a link to appropriate function in scripting manual. or give me a link of anything related to this.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Perhaps you could use a repeat button? Something like this

public float startTime=0.0f;
public float endTime=3.0f
void OnGUI () {
if (GUI.RepeatButton (new Rect (25, 25, 100, 30), “RepeatButton”)) {
//Enter what you want the button to perform here

Not sure if this works but could be worth a shot