ok i have character controller and it climbs well on on ladder, gravity is off etc etc…but the problem is getting onto the above platform after climbing. im always colliding with it and falling back down :(((( HELP PLEASE
ok i have character controller and it climbs well on on ladder, gravity is off etc etc…but the problem is getting onto the above platform after climbing. im always colliding with it and falling back down :(((( HELP PLEASE
I would try to climb the ladder with transform.Translate instead of using character.Move - collisions are not detected when moving the transform directly, thus you could pass through the platform. You could for instance create a trigger covering the ladder volume: OnTriggerEnter turn ladder mode on, OnTriggerExit turn it off; while in ladder mode, the vertical control is performed with transform.Translate.
The actual implementation depends on the character movement script - are you using the First Person Controller prefab?
Good idea. Ill change the script a lil and ill get back to you. Im using the slidecontroller one.
Ok so ill use yr transform idea, but is it ok to use the move function and the trransform in my script? It shouldnt be a problem shud it?