2D Ledge climb, post climb animation doing wierd stuff (applying player offset).

Hey guys!
Hope you’re doing fine.

So, I have an animation of the climb applied, and the action it’s working “fine”. I basically have the player sprites moving to the final position on the animation, then I saved that point to offset the player when the animation finish. And here is the problem, it does like a very quick visual glitch, my guess is that the offset its happening while the climbing animation is on its last frame still. What I’ve done it’s pretty much like the work of Romi Fauzi but coding on C#, and what is happening to me its the same that happened to him.


(at 57:50)

He fixed the problem by doing a delay on the transition of the event Climbing, when I tried to do that my climbing animation starts looping. :1

Ps. Sorry about my english and grammar, hope this reads fine.

I manage to solve this.
If anyone is aiming for a similar set up, you can try the WaitForSeconds(), and if you are calling the ienumerator at last frame, your delay should be according to your animation fps. Since I was animating at 30, my frames last 0.034~ segs.

Cheers (: