2D Online Virtual World - possible with Unity?,Unity to create Virtual 2D world


I used to go in an online 2D virtual world built back in the 90s and it’s now basically defunct. I want to recreate that. The basics:

  • Scenes or “locales” can be created
    while the world is running, and
    objects placed in that scene (by
    “admins”). Scenes have configuration
    options, such as what is to the left,
    right, up down of it.
  • Objects can be created, moved,
    edited, deleted by the “admins”
  • Each user has a 2D character that
    can move around the screen, and go
    from scene to scene.
  • There is a public chat, that
    everyone in the scene can see
    but also private chat to any
    online player.

For example:

Basic question: Is something like this possible with Unity?

Many thanks :slight_smile:

Hi, @lordtopcat!

Yes, everything is possible! Unity even has an example of what unity can do:

Multiplayer First Person Shooter