2D Or not 2D

2d features in Unity
what do the community think about them?

And What do Unity Tech Feel about the aforementioned features?

They don’t exist? :slight_smile:

There are no “2d features” really, just the means to make 3d art that looks 2d (which is good enough for me, but I’ve been known to happily put square pegs through round holes).

If unity suddenly supported some kind of built-in sprite-object-thing, I dont think it would help me or that I’d even use it. I’m already used to my textured-quad workflow.

So in your cool Zombie game everything is modelled in 3D, but you just restrict objects to two axes?

If you don’t mind, could you please share more details on your textured-quad workflow? :sweat_smile:

I’ve talked about it at length on the forums here, I’ll dig up a couple links…



I just use polygons with my artwork textured on to them to achieve 2d-looking graphics in unity’s 3d environment. I really like being able to manipulate them like 3D objects, scaling and rotating them, layering them in front/behind each other in space, and animating them with Maya’s bones when necessary. It’s really not much different than assembling a 2d image in photoshop or flash, except that you can actually see the depth of your scene. Just replace the concept of “layers” with “z-translates”. :slight_smile:

Pirate ninja wrote:
They don’t exist?

That was the point i was getting at I’m pretty frustrated with that fact was wondering if the community felt the same way…you don’t and that gives me a little optimism
I’m hopeing that it gets addressed in the not to distant future but you seem to have pulled of a 2d looking game even though it was created in 3d not sure if it needs addressing now after You just explained how you did it! leaves my gripe hanging in the wind…I will look at your work flow as well as the game im currently developing is 3d with a lot of 2d

To create “real” 2D that uses an actual bitmap and so on would pretty much require a new product, because how things work is very different. I wouldn’t expect to see anything like that; I think they have enough work with the 3D engine as it is. If you really need real 2D, then I’d say Unity isn’t the engine for you.


I think makeing the 2d features a bit easier to deal with in Unity is a must!
But obviously you are in the Camp that think its a non issue! do you have square wheels on your car?
just kidding Eric…

Whether its implementable I leave to the unity tech guys to decide…

So with all due Respect I disagree!

and Unity is the Engine of choice for me and over the year or two have lost all my hair to prove it also emptied out my bank account and sold my kids to the highest bidder to keep the dream alive…


2D features do exist, they’re just not at a point where they’re anywhere near the level of control, flexibility nor ease of use as our 3D features are. We’re definitely interested in expanding the range of support offered, but I don’t have anything specific to commit to just yet.

Hi Tom

Glad to know its on the to do list and not being swept under the carpet

Well, I wouldn’t call it a “non-issue”… anything that makes working in 2d easier would be welcome. I just don’t know what I’d ask for personally, since I have a workflow that already does what I want it to do. I think this is simply because I have a background in 3d art primarily, so the concepts of bones, transform nodes, swapping textures etc. is all very comfortable and logical to me.

But I do think that 2d is something that deserves attention, especially when it comes to iPhone development. Just because its possible right now, doesn’t mean it can’t be improved.

+1 :smile:

Dang it Tom! And then you wonder why this community goes crazy around each patch/release :lol:

You keep hinting at much more platform(s) and game dev “support” into this “tool” and you’ll have to rebrand as a game OS of your own… :wink:



Q: Can we have better 2D support?
A: No, this is a 3D engine!
Q: Can we have better 2D support?
A: No, it’s already easy enough!
Q: Can we have better 2D support?
A: Of course, we’re also interested in this.

Happened somewhere, sometime, … ;O)