I am making a pong game, and the ball, which moves fine, just won’t bounce off of the colliders i have as borders. This just happens on the north and south colliders, not the ones on the sides. I have pictures of the inspector for the border and ball. This i’m sure this is not a script issue, as i don’t have any collision-related code in my script. The material is 0 friction and 1 bounce for both objects. Please help.
Here are pictures of the inspector:
for the ball:
And the border:

im working on a 2d game as well. i would say either try setting the wall materials bounciness to zero or get rid of the material all together on the walls unless they serve a specific purpose that im not aware of, as im new to this. i use a polygoncollider2D on my border asset and it works great for me. hope i was of some help!
I fixed the bounce issue. It was simply that the ball wasn’t hitting the border fast enough to bounce, I just made it hit the wall at about a 45 degree angle, and it bounced. Sorry for the confusion. Again, thanks for trying to help.