When does Unity plan to implement 2D physics in the ECS package?
Probably never. But you can simply use the ECS 3D Physics and achieve the same results. Bodies have to have a bit of volume along the Z axis while the center of the body is at Z = 0. Otherwise all Z values for rayscasts and the like are always 0. That’s all.
Hey, there have been many users asking for 2D physics in the ECS package. Remember that you can also share your voice and ask for new features on our website: DOTS roadmap | Unity (Under “submit a new idea”).
How about you just “get it done”?
Given that it’s calculating in 3 dimensions would there be any performance advantage over not using DOTS at all for a simulation of many hundreds of 2D rectangles with some very basic behaviours?
If you want reliable numbers you had to compare both via profiling. ECS Physics has been built for handling immense amounts of physical objects. It uses multithreading builtin and relies on Burst compilation. In classic Physics 2D multithreading is still an experimental feature. I would expect some hundreds 2D rectangles are easily handled. But you can also take a look at the ECS Physics Samples:
pls tell me at least it’s under consideration…