I am new to unity and came accross a problem I cant fix or find info about…
I have created a 2D project via Unity Hub, but once the project open I can only see 3D gameobject. I have check the package manager and the 2D package is indeed installed…
Could anyone help me solve this problem?
No idea what you mean by this. If you don’t know how to describe it, please post an image.
A 2D template just sets up stuff to make creating 2D stuff easier, it doesn’t make Unity 2D only or anything. It’s inherently a 3D engine.
Ah, that menu. Very odd. Did you try restarting the Editor in-case something odd happened when loading these packages?
I noticed there’s an error there. All errors need to be fixed so that could be an error, maybe in loading a package or your scripts perhaps.
If you exit, delete the project library folder and try reloading it; see if the error goes away.
I tried deleting the project, starting over, with several projects: same issue… I will try to reinstal the whole thing. I will post if reinstaling fixed the problem. Thank you for your time thought :).