2D psd importer cant be used in inspector, null reference

the null reference in platform settings makes it so I cant use this inspector at all. Im using psd importer 6.0.5 and unity 2021.3.9f1.

just tried updating to a 2022 unity release, and it still had this issue

Sounds like you’ve got a corrupt project or maybe a corrupt Unity install. Tried removing the “Library” folder for the project and reloading it? Tried an empty new project?

removing the library caused a memory error the first time I tried to open the copy of the project, but then it opened and still had the issue. So I made a new 2d project and just put in one of my psbs, and it still has this issue.
Heres an image of the fresh project

That’s a good test if you’ve used a new project from scratch and it persists. Thanks for trying that.

I’ll pass this thread onto the 2D team so someone can perhaps comment tomorrow.

It might be that the PSD’s “.meta” file is corrupted.

For instance, it’ll have a section (amongst others) like this:

  - serializedVersion: 3
    buildTarget: DefaultTexturePlatform
    maxTextureSize: 1024
    resizeAlgorithm: 0
    textureFormat: -1
    textureCompression: 1
    compressionQuality: 50
    crunchedCompression: 0
    allowsAlphaSplitting: 0
    overridden: 0
    androidETC2FallbackOverride: 0
    forceMaximumCompressionQuality_BC6H_BC7: 0
  - serializedVersion: 3
    buildTarget: Standalone
    maxTextureSize: 2048
    resizeAlgorithm: 0
    textureFormat: -1
    textureCompression: 1
    compressionQuality: 50
    crunchedCompression: 0
    allowsAlphaSplitting: 0
    overridden: 0
    androidETC2FallbackOverride: 0
    forceMaximumCompressionQuality_BC6H_BC7: 0

Worst case is you can delete the existing “.metafile” and let Unity create another for you. Note that if it contains useful information for the importer then you should first make a copy of it outside the project.

Also, this is a good time to use your source control to restore it to a previous known good point.

I dont think thats the case because all the psbs in the project that used to work now have that problem, really seems like a problem with the package. The meta files look totally normal too. I create psbs by exporting psds as psds with gimp, and then changing the file type to psb. its possible this is the problem but this is how Ive always done it, and I cant really find a more straight forward way of doing it either. and it has to be psb for the spritesheet to import with layers correctly.

This is most likely the same issue we are currently working on fixing. Here is a link to the bug case:

A fix is ready and is currently being verified by QA. It has started to be rolled out to the different affected versions of Unity. Sorry for any inconvenience caused by this issue.

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Awesome to hear, thank you so much


FYI: Here’s the link with it being reported too: 2D PSD Importer 7.0 released for Unity 2022.1 - #8 by LorenzoNuvoletta

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have the same issue with 2021.3.9f1 and importer 6.0.5
and silimar issue with 2020.3.38f1 and importer 4.3.0
but the same psb file is ok with 2019.4.40f1 and importer 2.1.11

Sorry, is this a question? Did you look at the posts above? https://discussions.unity.com/t/893873/8

FYI, yesterday we shipped PSD Importer 6.0.6, which fixes this issue for Unity 2021.3.


I am experiencing the same issue. I am using version 2021.3.9. Is there some way to update my install? Thanks in advance

Edit: I also updated the PSD importer to 6.0.6, but the error remains the same

Problem resolved by restarting the editor, but more errors arose. Those problems are unrelated to this thread though.