2d puzzle solving

I took this puzzle yesterday from this post. But seriously I have no idea to build this puzzle. If anyone knows this logic in C# to develop this puzzle. please share your thoughts on making me a enough knowledgeable person to develop this puzzle.
Puzzle video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mFYnC2-wfs&t=9923s&ab_channel=ElenaBionGames
Here I attached some videos and puzzle sprites.

The essentials gained by doing a tic-tac-toe puzzle tutorial would teach you this.

Actually tic-tac-toe mixed with perhaps a “move pieces along a grid” boardgame tutorial.

It’s a lotta stuff but the core interactions are certainly within easy reach for a first project.

I have an example of clicking to drag, which gets you a lot of the pieces-on-the-table problem solved. You would just hook the results into a bigger game state machine, as you would in tic-tac-toe to check all the win possibilities.

Full project with scene at that github project.

EDIT: The MicroTouch class in there can help to handle both mouse and touch equally simply, no need for custom code to be duplicated.

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I can’t download that exact folder could share that link od particular folder

That is the link. It is public. I just rechecked.

This is the entire project, again fully public. If you can’t get it, that’s on you and your internet provider:

Interesting task. Have you managed to create such a puzzle? I tried to implement a similar drag-and-drop object along a path, but I can’t say that the result was flexible and complete. Moreover, the code may seem very large and unclear at first glance.
The main idea is that there is a set of points on the scene (you can even use empty GameObjects), but for me, these are gray circles-sprites. Then I created a separate GameObject for the main script, where you will need to define each individual path by filling it with the necessary points, for example, here are the points for a cyclic path (pay attention to the flag).

Other paths are filled in the same way, for example, a straight path, etc.

Then I created another sprite that symbolizes circles that will move with the mouse and scattered its copies to some points (any). And dragged all these circles into the DragObjects array in the inspector. This arrangement at initialization will be remembered as the puzzle solution. In the inspector, there are several settings, for example, the radius. Set it so that it is approximately the size of the draggable circles (this radius is needed to determine mouse clicks, as well as for attaching to puzzle points, etc.). In the end, it looks like this now:

Of course, you can create even insane puzzles that are probably impossible to solve, too complex.

If you’re interested in the code, it’s here.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;

public class PuzzleExample : MonoBehaviour
    // inspector
    public float PointRadius = 0.5f;
    public float SmoothSnappingSpeed = 3f;

    public Transform[] DragObjects;

    public Path[] Paths;

    // public
    public int ActivePathIndex
        get => _activePathIndex;
            if (value < 0 || value >= Paths.Length)

            _activePathIndex = value;

    // private
    private PointInfo _downPoint;
    private float _dragValue = 0;
    private float _dragValueTarget = 0;
    private int _activePathIndex = 0;
    private HashSet<Transform> _allFilledPoints;
    private List<PointInfo> _pointsUnderMouse = new List<PointInfo>();

    private Path ActivePath => Paths[ActivePathIndex];
    private PointInfo[] PointsInfo => ActivePath.PointsInfo;
    private bool IsCircular => ActivePath.IsCircular;

    private bool CanMoveForward => ActivePath.IsCircular || ActivePath.PointsInfo.Last().DragObject == null;
    private bool CanMoveBackward => ActivePath.IsCircular || ActivePath.PointsInfo.First().DragObject == null;

    private enum MoveDirection
    private MoveDirection _moveDirection;

    private enum State
    private State _inputState = State.None;

    [Header("Debug (editor only)")]
    public bool ShowGizmos = true;
    public bool ShowLines = true;
    public bool ShowRadius = true;

    private void Awake()

    private void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightArrow))
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftArrow))

        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            _inputState = State.MouseDown;

        if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) && _inputState == State.DraggingPoints)
            _inputState = State.MouseUp;

        if (_inputState == State.None)

        if (_inputState == State.MouseDown)
            PointsUnderMouse(result: _pointsUnderMouse);

            if (_pointsUnderMouse.Count == 0)
                _inputState = State.None;

            if (_pointsUnderMouse.Count == 1)
                _downPoint = _pointsUnderMouse[0];

                GetForwardAndBackDotToMouse(_downPoint, out float forwDot, out float backDot);

                _moveDirection = forwDot >= backDot ? MoveDirection.Forward : MoveDirection.Backward;
                ActivePathIndex = Array.IndexOf(Paths, _downPoint.PathOwner);

                _inputState = State.DraggingPoints;
                _inputState = State.WaitingDragDistance;

        if (_inputState == State.WaitingDragDistance)
            // return if the distance point-mouse to small
            if (((Vector2)Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition) - _pointsUnderMouse[0].Pos).sqrMagnitude < PointRadius * PointRadius)

            float maxDot = -1;

            foreach (PointInfo point in _pointsUnderMouse)
                GetForwardAndBackDotToMouse(point, out float forwDot, out float backDot);

                if (forwDot >= maxDot)
                    maxDot = forwDot;
                    _moveDirection = MoveDirection.Forward;
                    _downPoint = point;

                if (backDot >= maxDot)
                    maxDot = backDot;
                    _moveDirection = MoveDirection.Backward;
                    _downPoint = point;

            ActivePathIndex = Array.IndexOf(Paths, _downPoint.PathOwner);
            _inputState = State.DraggingPoints;


        if (_inputState == State.DraggingPoints)
            if (_dragValue == 0 || _dragValue == 1f)
                GetForwardAndBackDotToMouse(_downPoint, out float forwDot, out float backDot);

                _moveDirection = forwDot >= backDot ? MoveDirection.Forward : MoveDirection.Backward;

            Vector2 mousePos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);

            if (_moveDirection == MoveDirection.Forward && CanMoveForward)
                _dragValue = NearestValueOnSegment(_downPoint.Pos, _downPoint.ForwPoint.Pos, mousePos);

                if (_dragValue == 1)
                    _downPoint = _downPoint.ForwPoint;
            else if (_moveDirection == MoveDirection.Backward && CanMoveBackward)
                _dragValue = NearestValueOnSegment(_downPoint.Pos, _downPoint.BackPoint.Pos, mousePos);

                if (_dragValue == 1)
                    _downPoint = _downPoint.BackPoint;

        if (_inputState == State.MouseUp)
            _dragValueTarget = Mathf.Round(_dragValue);
            _inputState = State.AutoSmoothSnapping;

        if (_inputState == State.AutoSmoothSnapping)
            _dragValue = Mathf.MoveTowards(_dragValue, _dragValueTarget, SmoothSnappingSpeed * Time.deltaTime);

            if (_moveDirection == MoveDirection.Forward)

            if (_dragValue == 0 || _dragValue == 1)
                if (SolutionIsSuccess())
                    Debug.Log("PUZZLE COMPLETE!!!"); // event?

                _inputState = State.None;

    private void OnDrawGizmos()
        if (ShowGizmos == false || Paths == null)

        foreach (Path path in Paths)
            if (path.Points?.Length < 2)

            Gizmos.color = (Application.isPlaying && path == ActivePath) ? Color.green : Color.gray;

            if (ShowLines)
                for (int i = 0; i < path.Points.Length - 1; i++)
                    Gizmos.DrawLine(path.Points[i].position, path.Points[i + 1].position);

                if (path.IsCircular)
                    Gizmos.DrawLine(path.Points[0].position, path.Points[path.Points.Length - 1].position);

            Gizmos.color = Color.gray;
            if (ShowRadius)
                foreach (Transform point in path.Points)
                    Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(point.position, PointRadius);
            Gizmos.color = Color.white;

    public void StepForward01(float value)
        if (CanMoveForward == false)

        value = Mathf.Clamp01(value);

        foreach (PointInfo pointInfo in PointsInfo.Where(p => p.DragObject != null))
            pointInfo.DragObject.position = Vector2.Lerp(pointInfo.Pos, pointInfo.ForwPoint.Pos, value);

        if (value == 1f)
            var bufferDragObjectLast = PointsInfo.Last().DragObject;

            for (int i = PointsInfo.Length - 1; i > 0; i--)
                PointsInfo[i].DragObject = PointsInfo[i - 1].DragObject;
                PointsInfo[i - 1].DragObject = null;

            if (IsCircular)
                PointsInfo.First().DragObject = bufferDragObjectLast;
    public void StepBackward01(float value)
        if (CanMoveBackward == false)

        value = Mathf.Clamp01(value);

        foreach (PointInfo pointInfo in PointsInfo.Where(p => p.DragObject != null))
            pointInfo.DragObject.position = Vector2.Lerp(pointInfo.Pos, pointInfo.BackPoint.Pos, value);

        if (value == 1f)
            var bufferDragObjectFirst = PointsInfo.First().DragObject;

            for (int i = 0; i < PointsInfo.Length - 1; i++)
                PointsInfo[i].DragObject = PointsInfo[i + 1].DragObject;
                PointsInfo[i + 1].DragObject = null;

            if (IsCircular)
                PointsInfo.Last().DragObject = bufferDragObjectFirst;

    private void Init()
        foreach (var path in Paths)

        if (Paths?.Length != 0)

            ActivePathIndex = 0;
            _inputState = State.None;
    private void DefineFilledPointsAsSolution()
        _allFilledPoints = new HashSet<Transform>();

        foreach (var point in Paths.SelectMany(p => p.Points).Distinct())
            foreach (var dragObject in DragObjects)
                if ((point.position - dragObject.position).sqrMagnitude <= PointRadius * PointRadius)
    private bool SolutionIsSuccess()
        bool pointIsFilled;

        foreach (var point in _allFilledPoints)
            pointIsFilled = false;

            foreach (var dragObject in DragObjects)
                if ((dragObject.position - point.position).sqrMagnitude <= PointRadius * PointRadius)
                    pointIsFilled = true;

            if (pointIsFilled == false)
                return false;

        return true;

    private void GetForwardAndBackDotToMouse(PointInfo _downPoint, out float forwDot, out float backDot)
        Vector2 downPointToMouseDir = DirToMouse(_downPoint.Pos);

        forwDot = IsPointHasForward(_downPoint) ? Vector2.Dot(downPointToMouseDir, _downPoint.ForwDir) : -1;
        backDot = IsPointHasBackward(_downPoint) ? Vector2.Dot(downPointToMouseDir, _downPoint.BackDir) : -1;
    private void PointsUnderMouse(List<PointInfo> result)
        Vector2 mouse = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);

        foreach (Path path in Paths)
            foreach (PointInfo point in path.PointsInfo)
                if ((mouse - point.Pos).sqrMagnitude <= PointRadius * PointRadius)
    private void AssignDragObjectsToActivePath()
        // reset all
        foreach (Path p in Paths)
            foreach (PointInfo point in p.PointsInfo)
                point.DragObject = null;

        // define
        for (int i = 0; i < DragObjects.Length; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < PointsInfo.Length; j++)
                if (((Vector2)DragObjects[i].position - PointsInfo[j].Pos).sqrMagnitude < PointRadius * PointRadius)
                    DragObjects[i].position = PointsInfo[j].Pos;
                    PointsInfo[j].DragObject = DragObjects[i];
    private void SnapDragObjectsPositionToNearestPoints()
        var allPoints = Paths.SelectMany(p => p.Points);
        foreach (var dragObject in DragObjects)
            foreach (var point in allPoints)
                if ((dragObject.position - point.position).sqrMagnitude <= PointRadius * PointRadius)
                    dragObject.position = point.position;

    private bool IsPointHasForward(PointInfo p) => p.PathOwner.IsCircular || p.Index != p.PathOwner.PointsInfo.Length - 1;
    private bool IsPointHasBackward(PointInfo p) => p.PathOwner.IsCircular || p.Index != 0;

    private Vector2 DirToMouse(Vector2 from)
        return ((Vector2)Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition) - from).normalized;
    private float NearestValueOnSegment(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 p)
        float lengthSquared = (b - a).sqrMagnitude;

        if (lengthSquared == 0)
            return 0;

        float t = Vector2.Dot(p - a, b - a) / lengthSquared;
        return Mathf.Clamp01(t);

    public class Path
        public Transform[] Points;
        public bool IsCircular;

        public PointInfo[] PointsInfo;

        public void Init()
            PointsInfo = new PointInfo[Points.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < Points.Length; i++)
                int iNext = i == Points.Length - 1 ? 0 : i + 1;
                int iPrev = i == 0 ? Points.Length - 1 : i - 1;

                var pInfo = new PointInfo();
                pInfo.Index = i;
                pInfo.PathOwner = this;
                pInfo.Pos = Points[i].position;

                pInfo.ForwDir = (Points[iNext].position - Points[i].position).normalized;
                pInfo.BackDir = (Points[iPrev].position - Points[i].position).normalized;

                PointsInfo[i] = pInfo;

            // ref to neighbors
            for (int i = 0; i < PointsInfo.Length; i++)
                int iNext = i == PointsInfo.Length - 1 ? 0 : i + 1;
                int iPrev = i == 0 ? PointsInfo.Length - 1 : i - 1;

                PointsInfo[i].BackPoint = PointsInfo[iPrev];
                PointsInfo[i].ForwPoint = PointsInfo[iNext];

    public class PointInfo
        public int Index;
        public Path PathOwner;
        public Vector2 Pos;

        public Vector2 ForwDir;
        public Vector2 BackDir;

        public PointInfo ForwPoint;
        public PointInfo BackPoint;

        public Transform DragObject;

I tried a lot but I couldn’t develop this puzzle. and anyway thanks for your code. I will post a replay after I check your code.

ok i will try