2D Resources

Class/Code I wrote to make up for the fact that in most people’s desperation to keep up with new technology, they either completely forget about or don’t care to consider classic methods and simple functions, like the ability to color specific pixels or do a simple copy when creating a new object in code, like
Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(oldtexture); //Copies a texture, instead of assigning a reference to it.
The above code should be default in Unity’s API, but is glossed over by failing to consider retro games (like pixel art) in favor of modern technology (like how FTL uses unique spritesheet textures for silly things like the glow around a character. This isn’t so much FTL’s doing, as it is the insistence of modern tech to abandon the old way of handling assets in favor of…whatever, for whatever reason. Mainly 3D reasons.)

Here is the link to the code:
Easiest way to change color of certain pixels in a single Sprite.

Public domain game art from the old Glitch MMO. Awesome sauce!

Hi everyone! I make a little C# script that allows to drag rigidbody2D elements. May it will be useful for someone.

1508670–85356–$DragRigidbody2D.cs (2.4 KB)

I’m going to just add all of these threads, which I found very helpful and interesting.
A lot of these questions seem to be common questions.

For any problems with 2D rendering in Unity and pixels being distorting, check this post HERE

The only real solution as of 10/12/2014: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/14498

For an idea of what resolution to draw sprites at for game art (or any digital art).

For a free Unity plugin to convert a TexturePacker spritesheet into Unity Sprites with a single click.

Pixel Perfect Rendering NPOT Distorted Textures

How to Change the color of a Sprite or Texture2D based on User Input
The Shader Code (bugs exist- discussed in thread)
The Class Code (Slower load times. All should be done before a scene fully loads. Sprite, Texture2D, or SpriteSheet has to be ‘Advanced - Sprite’ with Read/Write enabled.)

Found this tutorial today and it’s been extremely helpful… http://www.raywenderlich.com/61532/unity-2d-tutorial-getting-started

Between this and the Pixelnest tutorials, I’m really getting a hang of Unity2d…

I am developing an 2D endless running game. Right now i am using unity robot graphics that is available on asset store but i want multiple characters so any idea about where i could get free robot spritesheet

how much the cost of uniyu robot?? or is it free??

it’s free on asset store

do u mean robot lab??? do u know what is the function of robot lab??

Does anyone have any tutorials for tile map animation?

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Hey Devs,
If anyone is working on a 2d sidescroll project, Here is a great starter project kit.


Lots of good 2d art for any sidescrollers.

I made these little robot sprites for my university game and thought I’d release them for others to use because they look really cute and neat in-game. Top row is idle, second row is running/walking, third row is jumping/falling and last row is clinging to a wall. They are 32 x 32px each :slight_smile: Also included the PSD file in the zip folder so you can edit them. Hope someone finds this little guy useful - feel free to use however you wish

2154267–142255–free robot player sprites.zip (46.8 KB)


2D components in documentation Page not found…

I want to recommend this site. This has a lot of Unity tutorial and graphics resouces.


how do you apply scripts?

Thank you! Great tutorial even though you didn’t make it :stuck_out_tongue:

The following I find informative and helpful:
