2D rigging and psb

Hi, I’m making a 2D game and trying to learn the 2D rigging system in Unity to use it for my project.

I’m facing a problem where, whenever I update my PSB file after making animations—adding a new layer, for example—the sprites inside the Sprite Editor break horribly. They slice my asset in a very weird way, causing some of my assets to become invisible. It also breaks the mesh weights, resetting everything. I tried this multiple times and used different settings, including Use Layer Name, Use Layer ID, and checking/unchecking Automatic Reslice in the PSD Import Settings.

Did I set something up wrong, or did I miss anything? Or am I not supposed to update the PSB file? If so, what’s the purpose of the PSD import feature?

Thank you so much for your help.

Hi @alienyw ,

PSD importer will keep the layer size after it was externally modified. You can enable the automatic reslice in your import settings so that the layers size will be “resliced” and adjusted.

If the layer name/id has not changed, the weights should not be affected. If that’s the case for you, could you please submit a bug report?

This system is designed to support iteration on your PSB files. Can you maybe share a screenshot, or file a bug report to give some more info about the issue.

Sorry, I see that you have already tried the Automatic Reslice. May I know what software do you use to modify the PSB file? Is it Photoshop or some other program?

Thank you for your reply. I was actually going to delete this post, but deleting posts was not allowed, because I wrote another post on the Question & Answer discussion channel. The other post I wrote has updated information, which is:

  • I’m using Unity 2022.3.3f1 (Silicon, LTS).

  • I removed the Animation Rigging package, and the errors that happened after updating the Photoshop layers are not happening anymore. Maybe a coincidence?

  • It seems like these errors are a common issue. My artist friends told me that they have to update a PSB file one layer at a time, then check Unity to see if it causes any errors. They also rely heavily on GitHub to be prepared for any errors from updating the PSB file.

And to answer your question, I’m using Photoshop CC 2024.

@alienyw would you be able to submit a bug report with minimal project and steps to reproduce the issue? That would help immensly.