2D - Should I use URP or Standard Render Pipeline?

Ok, maybe was just my overall impression I got from following the SRP saga over many years, but I am sure I have seen once where you had graph chart explaining how to choose in between different render pipeline by Unity and it had indication that if you want to future proof, then go with the SRP path… I am trying to find out where I saw that, but my memory is fading.

However, it was always Unity’s intention to deprecate the builtin at some point. I think Unity wanted to deprecate the Builtin sooner but it was obvious that SRP (LWRP, URP, HDRP) was not ready to replace built-in so they are probably keeping it around longer than they have hoped for.

While I was doing this quick search, I found this comments from Unity,

Feedback Wanted: Scriptable Render Pipelines page-5#post-3369161

And I am pretty sure, at some Unite event, they even had some session, or chart showing overall roadmap for their plan for builtin and SRP, I vaguely remember that they even had some number like version of Unity or year of some kind that they wanted to phase out the builtin.

I know they won’t just remove the builtin renderer anytime soon, but that was what I thought years ago, so what I was really saying in the beginning was that if I knew that bulitin was going to hang around for this long time, then I would have gone with it for my last project and my current one. My expectation for builtin deprecation was like within 4 years or so because I thought by that time, surly any rendering pipeline has to be “completed” enough and better to replace anything that was before. This is year 2022, when did SRP and push to LWRP and all this all started? I can’t even remember now, that’s how long that has been. So if bulitin is going to hang around for next another 5 years, then by all means I don’t mind. But that is very long time in my opinion for any transition of technology.