2D Sprite based game on iPhone submitted to Apple

This is a preview of a game for the iPhone done on Unity.

I’m with Cupid. I am hoping that it makes it for Valentines day even though I submitted it tonight on the 7th.


You fly Cupid through the levels and try to get the best time collecting the happy hearts. Cupid is controlled by tilting the phone to rotate him. Tap the screen for speedy boost. The hearts and cupid pulse on beat to the music. Ill get a video up later. Im sleepy. :slight_smile:

I wrote a UI framework on my Pay2Play game and some game managers. With these it helps me keep my dev time down significantly. This game with assets and music was done in less than a week. The art isnt that great but its the first time ive dealt with scaling down my drawings to that size and having to do some pixel work on it. This game is pretty simple and will serve as a framework for my upcoming Barnstormer game.

this looks cool !

Can you share a few insights on your 2d production. things like sprite handling, game build size, sprite performance etc.

I`m planning to do a 2d game as well and any info is really appreciated.

Look cool, and I must say … Oooh, I love the shadows under the text and such. Makes me realize the shadows on my current 2D game are way too dark and hard! :frowning:

floZone: No worries. I can do a postmortem once I get some video up and talk about it.

Sprite handling in my game is rather ghetto though. :slight_smile: Hehe. What I ended up doing is just creating a cube with a sphere collider on it. Turning off the mesh renderer on the cube and then as a child have a flat plane on the inside. The plane is what has my sprite texture and the cube has my scripts. It worked out well. Performance I kepted to the under 30 draw calls rule. On a first gen iPod touch I keep 30 fps most of the time. Every so often I get a little audio glitch but its totally fine. Also in my last level I did get some frame loss but thats because my scene itself had around 70 objects and all synced to the music. Particle systems for FX help fill the screen. I probably could push a lot more using the spritemanager code thats floating around or wrapping things into a particle system but it wasnt needed for my game. When placing my items for my level I just made sure that things were far enough from each other that I wouldnt hit any draw call limits.

DGuy: The shadows are just done in photoshop. Layer prefs or you can do it the old school way of copying the text onto another layer. Gaussian blurring the text underneath that has its color set to black. Offset the layer where you want the shadow. If your talking about in game its not really a shadow. Just cube with transparency. By darkening the area under the text it just gives more contrast so it reads better.

I have a 3D game thats using this as a base and adding on more features onto my code. I try to keep things easy to re-use.

Yup, that’s the way I do it. :slight_smile:

But I think yours’ look much cooler, which means I’ll apply a little more blurring and a little more transparency to my shadows.

If your curious, here’s how the shadows look in my app at the moment:

thanks for the info …very informative(:

The shadows look fine. Just keep in mind that any other objects you put in your scene should have the same hardness to the shadows. Hard shadows usually mean there is some type of direct light source. Well in real life. :slight_smile:

Np. Ill put more info up laters! :slight_smile: