have 3 monitor via projector
all canvas is 5760*1200
Left 1920 center 1920 right 1920
icon add to 2d sprite show in center size is 100*100
My team many try and cant find way to fix it.
please advise me to show it sharp
have 3 monitor via projector
all canvas is 5760*1200
Left 1920 center 1920 right 1920
icon add to 2d sprite show in center size is 100*100
My team many try and cant find way to fix it.
please advise me to show it sharp
The “500” icon looks sharper than others. Has it bigger source resolution?
If you set 8K resolution in Unity for 1K resolution icon, the icon will not 8K.
Source resolution matters — increase resolution in your software where you edit an icon (like Photoshop or Illustrator), then import it into Unity, and set the appropriate Max Size.
How many way to save image for 2d sprite ?