2D Sprite not showing certain frames

6181566--677091--SkippingFrames.gifAnimation does not display frames for some reason? I get the same problem for different animations. (very new to unity)

I can’t see the minor details very well. But could it be the camera needs to be zoomed out or a layer issue? I have experience similar issue if two objects are on the same layer or sorting layer. Maybe the background game object and the bird gameobject is on the same layer?

Have you tried setting the different layers for each object?

This should help:

  • Select your Background and your Player sprite one at a time in the Hierarchy to check the Order On Layer property for each. If Order On Layer = 0 for your Background, then set Order On Layer >= 1 for a Player, Enemies, etc.
  • Make sure the Pixels Per Unit property is set to the right number (size) for your sprite since it is 100 by default. If you are using 16x16 pixels sprites, then set Pixels Per Unit = 16.
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