In my 3d game i have a jumpscare that is a 2d Sprite and i have this script but it wont work! can anyone tune it up for my application or give me some pointers please i need to make the object show up for 3 seconds 18 seconds into pressing E but not an animation (That was a failed attempt to make it work
var Figure : GameObject;
var Moveup : Animation;
function Start () {
if (Input.GetKeyDown ("e"))
yield WaitForSeconds (18.0);
yield WaitForSeconds (2.5);
But i also have this script attached to the same object
var radioInRange;
var radioActivated;
var radioSound : AudioClip;
public var guiSkin : GUISkin;
private var hasPlayed = false;
function OnTriggerEnter (c : Collider)
radioInRange = true;
function OnTriggerExit (c : Collider)
radioInRange = false;
function OnGUI ()
if(radioInRange == true)
{ = guiSkin;
GUI.Label (Rect (Screen.width/2-50, Screen.height/2-55, 120, 50), "Turn on radio");
function Update ()
if (radioInRange == true)
if (Input.GetKeyDown ("e"))
AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(radioSound, transform.position);
hasPlayed = true;