2D SpriteRenderer Batching

Hey there,

i´m on a 2D mobile game where you have to collect multiple coins. All coins (3) got the same Packing-Tag and same compression. All coins are in the same layer. All coins are marked as static. They don´t move in my testing scene. It´s just a simple GameObject with a SpriteRenderer and the Sprite with the “Sprite-Default” Material.

So on duplicating the drawcalls getting higher and higher. Have searched for hours but can´t find anything that helps. The more coins on screen the higher the drawcalls (batches). Saved by batching = 0.

The Sprite-Packer is always enabled.

On 3D objects there are sharedMaterials for batching, but i can´t find anything that worked for 2d sprites.

Did you got any solution to make multiple coins got low draw calls?

Thank you! <3

I´ve found out that my sprite has over 600 verts. I have reduced the size of my sprite and dynamic batching now works. Hope this will help someone!