2D Tilemap Extras 2.0 released for Unity 2021.1

2D Tilemap Extras 2.0 released for Unity 2021.1

What’s new?
With the release of Unity 2021.1 2D Tilemap Extras 2.0 is now out of preview.
See the full changelog here.

About Tilemap Extras
The 2D Tilemap Extras package contains reusable 2D and Tilemap editor scripts which you can use for your own Projects, and as the basis for your own custom Brushes and Tiles. You can freely customize the behavior of the scripts to create new Brushes that suit different uses or scenarios.

The following Scriptable Brushes are included in the package:

The package also contains these Scriptable Tiles:

Additionally the package comes with:

  • GridInformation: A simple MonoBehaviour that stores and provides information based on Grid positions and keywords.
  • Custom Rules for RuleTile: This helps to create new custom Rules for the Rule Tile with more options.

See the Tilemap Extras documentation here.

Getting Started
In an existing project in Unity 2021.1:

Explore the Samples

Tilemap Extras also come with 3 sample tiles. An animated waterfall as an example of the Animated Tile and two Rule Tiles implementing a pipe rule tile and a dungeon rule tile.

To get the samples:

What can you do?
Try it out and let us know what you think of the package. We want to know what works as expected, what doesn’t and what is missing.

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I don’t see a thread related to the 2D Tilemap Editor package so I’m asking here.

Is there any way to toggle the tilemap grid on and off? Right now, selecting the tilemap in the hierarchy view automatically toggles the scene view grid off but there is no way to act on the tilemap grid itself. :slight_smile:



Rule tiles are great tools, I really like them, even if I have troubles making them do what I want them to do! :slight_smile:

But, they need room in the Inspector, we cannot scroll down beyond the last sprite in the list. And if the last sprite is actually a random list of sprites, the list is sometimes invisible and sometimes scrolling down below the list is possible. Random event.

This is in 2021.2. I also experienced troubles with the + button, the menu sometimes doesn’t show although the button is active. I’ve seen myself clicking on that button dozen of times before “Add/Duplicate” shows up.

It could be that the values we are using in the Rule Tile Editor are wrong, which we have changed for the next release (-Add tooltips for editors for RuleTile, RuleOverrideTile and AdvancedRuleOverrideTile by ChuanXin-Unity · Pull Request #281 · Unity-Technologies/2d-extras · GitHub).

Could you share the version of the Tilemap Extras you are using, and possibly a quick reproduction of this issue? Thanks!

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I’m using the latest version (2.0.0) in 2021.2. I’ll try a quick reproduction and see about sharing it.

I have a request about the rule tiles: could you add a field that we could fill with a quantity of tiling rules so that they are created automatically, instead of having us click on + and Add each time? No need to remove the + button though, it could still have its uses. :slight_smile:

Here it is: Microsoft OneDrive

It’s a simple 2D project containing only one rule tile filled to the bottom so that you can see that scrolling down past the last rule is not possible. You shouldn’t have troubles downloading it. :slight_smile:

Thanks, will check it out!

That should be possible!

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I don’t seem to be able to reproduce this in Windows 10 unfortunately, will try to check it out in Linux!

Just to note, 2.0.0 has a little problem when adding a new Rule without a selection, but I don’t think this is causing your issue.

Yeah, it’s a separate problem and I’ve had it… :slight_smile:

So, when you download the project and open it in 2021.2, you can scroll past the last rule in the rule tile in Windows or is it because there is still room at the end of it and you need to add new ones until the space is filled?

I’m using Linux by the way.

Perhaps I have not reproduced the problem properly in Windows or do not really understand it correctly.

It seems like I can scroll to the end of the list of Rules and can see all the Sprites in the list for a Rule with a Random output.

Potentially a video capture of the issue would be helpful, if that is possible?

Not possible.

I can see that you haven’t understood my problem. I can also scroll down to the last rule but not past that last rule, there is no space under it to properly see the “Add/Duplicate” dialogue. I edited your image so that you can see what I mean by “scrolling down past the last rule”. Sorry if my English is not good enough, it’s not my mother tongue. :slight_smile:

This is what I’d like to be able to do:


If I understand this correctly, you would like to have additional space below the Rule List so that you can scroll down so that the “Add/Duplicate” dialog does not overlap other content including other windows?

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Exactly. At least, the space should be the size of the next, not created yet, rule. :slight_smile: If you could do that.

I have added a branch at the 2d-extras repository containing the changes at https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/2d-extras/tree/ruletileeditorui .This make take a while before it gets released as a package.

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Nice job! :clap: :clap: :clap:

Everything you added works:

  • filling the “Number of Tiling Rules” field does create the tiling rules,
  • dragging the sprites directly into the rule tile creates the tiling rules and fills them automatically,
  • there is now space under the last rule.

7206568--865627--Capture d’écran_2021-06-04_13-16-26.jpg

Now, I’m going to swap the packages in my project to see if the new rule tile applies correctly to already created rule tiles.

If people reading this are interested in trying the new version in a new project:

  • download the zip from GIT,
  • deinstall the 2D Tilemaps Extras from the package manager,
  • extract the content of the archive in your Assets directory,
  • done!

Thanks again @ChuanXin ! :smile:

Pardon the super noob question, but why is this not availale in the LTS version?

Could not do that, I’ll wait for the update then. :slight_smile:

You can install the Preview Package.
Edit->Project Settings->Package Manager->Enable Preview Packages.
Now you can install it from the Package Manager

Could you elaborate more on this please? Do let us know if this is a blocking issue for you.

Not an issue for now, most of my rule tiles are done already and if I have more to do, I’ll use the old system. I’ll wait until you publish that new version for other projects. :slight_smile: