2D tiles, which is the best approach?

Hello! I was wondering which method would be the best approach on drawing and creating a 2D tilemap. Would it be better to basically make each tile it’s own GO, or would it make more sense to use 1 GO and sprite renderer for the tilemap?

This is a common question, so there are many detailed answers explaining which method to use in which cases. Generally, the fewer objects are being drawn each frame, the better, so combining meshes (or tiles, whatever) into a single object is favorable where possible.

That depends on the complexity of your scene and how much tiles are you going to show … i would say to you make the simple way first ( which is to Create a Atlas with your tiles and create a GO for eachone ), and it is not good at performace , save the tileSet positions and create a single Mesh…

creating the atlas will already help you alot since you will have low drawcalls anyway …

and create the Atlas ( Multiple Sprite ) thinking are with tiles are going to show at the same time ?
create atlas for levels … or for scenes … to make sure you get the lower sprite size, and always with low drawcall