I’m looking for tutorials on how to make a top down character controller without using rigidbodies, can anyone recommend anything to me as I can find nothing on the internet
If you want to avoid the physics system you could try the navmesh system instead. This tutorial shows how to move a NavMeshAgent using arrow keys.
You probably don’t see many because you’d very likely be implementing your own physics to some degree at that point, which quickly starts to grow outside the scope of video tutorial.
Any reason you want to do so without physics?
Really? You can’t? You can’t find anything at all? Despite the fact there is a CharacterController component?
That’s for 3d while the thread is about 2d top town.
im looking for something in unity 2d
Basically I’m using a rigidbody2d for my character and a pixel perfect camera, and no matter what I do, the character jitters when it moves, i’ve tried just about everything and searched the internet for hours to no avail, I found out it had to do with the rigidbody2d, so I just wanna use some custom top down collision instead
So? Use XZ instead of XY and work around it with the built-in systems like everyone had to back before Unity even had 2D support.
Have you disabled the rigidbody and set up some simple code to move around via the transform to see if this prevents the jittering?
I’d wager the jittering may still be present, and more symptomatic of your current set up with the pixel perfect camera.