2d unity sprites

Hi everyone, Hope everyone is fine and well
Can I manipulate 2d unity sprites’ vertex to make some points in and out like a broken line?
If I want to make an effect like this How and What did he use to make the card fade with a broken Line (mask)
ArtStation - Gwent - Ciri Debut
One thing Eles how Did Hearthstone make their shaders?
Thank you

9149389--1271719--d - Copy.png
Here’s my guess for how the wavy lines might work.

  1. Ciri card with portrait (texture A)
  2. Interpolates into another texture that’s shows the blue-green outline of the card (texture B), no portrait
  3. Texture B has its UVs distorted over time by scrolling noise. This creates broken line effect. In general, you can make an image wavy like that by offsetting its UVs with a noise texture and scrolling the noise texture with Time.

In shader graph, this would be plugging a Tiling and Offset node into the UVs of Texture B sample node, and then plugging in a noise node into the Offset property. The raw noise output is 0 to 1, so you need to Remap node that to like -0.2 to +0.2 or something. Then, fiddle around to tune it for some time.


ok I will try it but i want to know the size of the Texture will fact in youtube most of the they make texture size 512*512 as noise

512x512 probably good for a noise texture for this. There’s also the Simple Noise node which is quick to use, tho a texture is better long term.

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Thank you So much for your help :slight_smile: