2D Vehicle Problems

Hello, i am getting problems when i am trying to create 2D Vehicle wheels. I use circle colliders and Hinge Joints 2D , but i get some kind of lag, struggling when i play it. Can someone give me suggestions what i should do?

Video of problem

In the end u can see how car lags.

Thanks for answers.

Taking a shot in the dark here, but how are you making the camera follow the car. I’m thinking its an issue with the dampening effect that it looks like you have on the camera. Remove that “camera dampening” effect to test and see if your lag stays

Thanks!!! It works now.

No problem, I had the same issue a few months back :wink:
If you need help with a dampening effect that doesnt give that “lag” effect, let me know and Ill see if I can dig back in my projects and find it :slight_smile: